

Meet Your Representatives:

Elected representatives serve as the link between your Union and You, as the Union seeks to build capacity and competence in representing its membership.

Main responsibilities are:


Identifying and recruiting new members of staff within the Section, Unit, or Faculty.

Information sharing:

  • Participating in WIGUT meetings and serving as a member on committees.
  • Providing timely updates about the outcomes of Executive Committee meetings and keeping you abreast of Union activities and concerns.
  • Bringing your concerns to the attention of the Union’s Executive.
  • Participating in the negotiation process by collecting input from members to be included in the negotiation proposal.
  • Updating you about your benefits and about negotiations.
  • Ensuring that all members within the Section/Unit/Faculty, especially new members, have a copy of the regulations and policies related to their conditions of employment (i.e., Blue Book, The Charter, Statutes and Ordinances, including Ordinance 8) from the Human Resource Department of the relevant Campus.


Encouraging and mobilising members to participate in the Union’s activities and campaigns.


Providing guidance on the Grievance procedures and other issues.

The 2021/22 Representatives are:


Ms. Heather Munro

876-927-2431/861-5160 (CUG cell#)


Estate Management

Mrs. Audrey Ellis-Lettman

876-927-2103 / Ext. 2209

Miss Sandra Minott

876- 927-1643 / 970-2950, NAB 23
IGDS Mona Unit

Dr. Maziki Thame


Mrs. Sonia Stewart

Ext. 3393

Mr. Godfrey Walker

Ext. 3399
Medical Sciences

Dr. Colette Cunningham-Myrie

876-970-6529 / 927-2476

Mr. Andrew Litchmore

Ext. 7272
Norman Manley Law School

Ms. Janett Levy

876-977-1007 / Ext. 8714
Open Campus (Mona)

Mrs. Sharon Gilzene

876-927-2831 / 977-6349 / Ext. 2417/2635
Retirees Representative

Mr. Paul Payton

School of Clinical Medicine & Research

Dr. Corrine SinQuee-Brown

Science and Technology (Chemistry)

Dr. Raymond Reid

Ext. 3116
Science and Technology (Physics)

Dr. Venkateswara Rao Penugonda

876-927-2480 / Ext. 223
Senior Administration (SPSW)

Ms. Olivene Thomas

876-702-2359 / Ext. 3466
Social Sciences - MSBM

Dr. Charlette Donalds

876-977-3808 / 977-3775 / Ext. 263
Western Jamaica Campus

Miss Inderia Adjudah

876-940-4349 / Ext. 7007